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Can you really learn self defense strategies from a DVD? Yes! No matter your current skill level Cheap Rex Burkhead Jersey , these DVDs offer valuable tips for civilians in search of self defense methods that really work. Unlike traditional martial arts classes, this material is tailored to real fights, not pre-rehearsed competition matches. Taught by the most feared, respected, and skilled fighters, self defense DVDs prepare you to defend yourself in real life situations using your body as a weapon.
You may be thinking that the tactics shown in these DVDs will only be effective against similarly unarmed attackers that are your size or smaller Cheap Lawrence Guy Jersey , but this is not the case. Many self defense training DVDs include strategies for gun disarmament or taking on someone much larger than yourself. In fact, these DVDs are designed especially for beginning fighters, and don't require any amazing athletic ability. As you'll learn, self defense is not about brute force and strength as much as technique.
Self defense training DVDs are a great way to improve your fighting skills and your confidence. While martial arts-style self defense methods aren't for everyone, knowing how to win in a physical fight can certainly help you if you find yourself in a violent confrontation. These training DVDs can teach you how to throw the most devastating punch, how to use pressure point strategies to bring down an attacker twice your size Cheap Stephon Gilmore Jersey , and how to escape from situations like having your hands held behind your back. These DVDs are also invaluable for getting you into the mindset of self defense. You'll learn essential strategies, both mental and physical, to help you escape a potentially dangerous situation.
These DVDs are a great training tool, allowing you to learn to protect yourself in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, from the most brutal fighters there are. Forget about the fights you see in Hollywood movies - this stuff is the real deal! From celebrity bodyguards to Israeli and Native American fighting experts to Navy SEALs Cheap Phillip Dorsett Jersey , the fighting styles you see on self defense training DVDs are tried and tested, devastatingly effective in real life situations. Practice your skills with the help of these DVDs until self defense becomes second nature.