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Cancer is one of the most common diseases across India which is a major cause of deaths amongst men and women. We have Best Cancer Hospital in India for this dreaded disease to offer quality treatment for the same all equipped with the latest technology . A number of most common cancers among men and women and an early detection has a deep impact on the curing process and life span of the patient.
Cancer is by far one of the most common diseases in India. This dreaded disease is a major cause of deaths amongst men and women. India is all equipped with the latest technology and the best cancer hospitals that offer quality treatment for the same. There are a number of most common cancers among men and women and an early detection has a deep impact on the curing process and life span of the patient. Here is a list of some of the most common cancers among men and women in India.
ORAL CANCER - This is one of the most common cancers among men in India. Around 30% of the cancer cases found in India are that of Oral Cancer. Every year 7 lac new cases of cancer are registered in India with more of male victims. Consumption of tobacco in form of gutkha, misri and more have been known to be the main reasons of the same.