GERMAN: Bitte helft Pregolja, einem im Zoo von Kaliningrad/Rußland leidenden Elephanten, damit sie im Sanctuary in Tennessee/USA noch einige schöne Jahre verbringen darf. Danke..
Free Pregolja! Give her sanctuary Pregolja is a female Asian elephant who lives at the Kaliningrad zoo in Russia. She was born at this zoo in 1970, and has lived there ever since. She has spent 37 years in a small and barren enclosure surrounded by rusty steel and grey cement. It is an environment nobody should be forced to live in. Pregolja is also all alone. Since her mother died in 2000, she has had no companionship of other elephants.
Her history indicates that she developed psycological health problems early in life. When Pregolja turned 8 years old, the zoo decided to turn her into a baby-machine and she was bred with her very own father! For the next decade, Pregolja gave birth to 5 calves. Tragically, she killed the first 4 calves right after birth. Her surviving calf is today with a Russian circus.
Pregolja has gone through a lot of pain and misery in life, and it is time that she is given a chance of a real life. Pregolja must go to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. There she will be given a new chance to experience life in a environment that promotes freedom, respect and unconditional love.